Saturday, October 10, 2015


This past week while house sitting, I've had a lot of time to be alone and let me tell you, its been awesome! With moving and starting a new job in student ministry, alone time is a lot more difficult to come by these days. My life looks a lot different than it did just 4 short months ago, going from being in college to adulthood. Needless to say, I am in a major season of change. Not all bad or all good, but just simply change. I think the one thing I'm learning right now is even good change is really

College was the time of my life. I loved my college experience and miss it a lot, especially my senior year. I lived with my 3/4 best friends, the others being just down the street or a phone call away. We had an incredible house (The Palace) and threw the best themed parties for our friends anyone could imagine. I wouldn't trade that time for anything but I knew it would all have to eventually end. So I graduated college, moved from Nashville to Houston, and started a 3 month long internship, all within one week. Talk about change. From May 9th until about August 19th, I did not stop. It was the hardest but best summer of my life and now I am permanently in Houston living the post-grad dream.

Recently, I started my first big kid job working as a High School Girls Associate for Second Baptist Church at the West Campus in Katy, Texas. It really is my dream job in student ministry and every day I feel blessed that I get to be apart of the Second team. Not to mention, I know I am pretty lucky to love what I am doing right out of college. With a new job comes a new home. So I moved from the infamous Music City, Nashville, where I spent not only the last 4 years but the best 4 years of my life. Coming back to Texas has been very bittersweet. I love being closer to my family but man fall in Texas has nothing on fall in Nash. I miss the cool, crisp mornings and the unreal color change of the leaves. Let's be honest, fall in Nashville is pretty hard to beat. Leaving Nashville also meant leaving some of the best friends and people I have ever known. I think in the midst of all the change, leaving my people has been the hardest part. Now, they are spread out all around the world, literally. Some are still in Nash or in college, some moved to Chattanooga, Memphis, Oklahoma, Georgia, and one is currently in month two of the World Race in Nicaragua. Communication is not necessarily my strong suite so adapting to distance has definitely been a challenge, as well as just another change to add to the list. Not to mention, since I am now an "adult", I am also financially independent from my parents. Obviously that is a big change for anyone but for me, it basically means I have to lessen my online shopping and not buy as much Patagonia as I would like. All of these changes are not bad. It has been hard but like I said before even good change is hard. Honestly, being on my own is kind of fun. Everyday there is a different challenge to face and yes it is a lot of change but it's fun growing up and having responsibilities other than homework.

Change is the theme word in this season of my life. It really is inevitable and sometimes I don't want to deal with the fact that things are different. I think when I moved, I felt as though I had to replace everything Nashville had to offer. I felt like I had to replace my friend group, my favorite hang outs, my favorite things to do and places to eat as well as much more. Although, slowly but surely, I am realizing that to not be the truth. My time in Nash was sweet and though it is over, it is not something I have to replace or forget. My friends are still my friends, Burger Up and Taqueria del Sol (my two favorite restaurants) are still thriving on 12th South, and all my favorite coffee shops are not going out of business because I'm gone. Nash will always be a place I love to visit and may even someday call home again. That's really not in my control and I am completely okay with that. I think the Lord is telling me everyday to stop seeking replacements but to solely seek Him. I think He wants me to trust that He will provide because He has for the last 23 years of my life. He promises us that He works for the good of those who love Him and I have no option but to trust that. Of course, it is a lot easier said than done.

Don't get me wrong, I have loved my time in Houston. It is a change but it is slowly becoming more normal everyday. I can somewhat get around without using my GPS and I have become a local at a bagel place. I am thankful for the family that so graciously lets me live in their home, I am thankful for friends who are experiencing big life changes of their own, and I am thankful for every student that I get to hang out with every day. My job is awesome and I am learning that I have purpose here in Katy, now I just have to embrace it.

But what would life be without change? I mean when I think of change, I think of the ultimate life change that happens the moment you enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, he doesn't say "Follow me and continue to live your life the way it is." No! He says follow me, leave everything you have ever known behind because I promise what I have to offer you is better than anything this world or anyone can offer. He asks us to embrace change because living a life for Him is completely worth it. This includes riding ourselves of bondage, shame, emptiness and guilt and beginning to walk into a new life of freedom, full of forgiveness, grace and experiencing a love we have never thought possible. It is the best change I have ever known and that is why I want to spend my life and time telling everyone I know about Him.

So here I sit, watching college football (Boomer Sooner & Go Vols) and One Tree Hill embracing the change that post grad has brought me. Change is good, often times necessary but still hard. I am excited for my time here in Katy and thankful for the opportunity to tell students and people about the ultimate life change, the best life change, that being having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 25, 2013

He Will Provide

Y'all. One week from today, from this exact moment, I will be on a plane traveling half way around the world to Uganda. How crazy is that? I am filled with so many mixed emotions. I am excited to be back in Africa for my fifth time. I am excited to serve alongside Bob Goff, the author of the incredible book, Love Does. I am nervous to go to a place I have never been before, like Uganda, and  I am nervous about going with a group of 18 people I don't know. But, isn't that what this life is about? Being spontaneous? Having faith? Going to the ends of the world spreading the name of Jesus? Yes, that is what life is all about and for that, I am the most excited. 

Throughout this whole process of preparing for my trip, I have seen God's faithfulness in ways I have never seen or experienced before. God has been speaking to me in many different ways this past month or so whether it was through song lyrics, a conversation with a friend, or even simply in His creation. Something I always like to think about is that our God is more faithful than the rising sun. Think about it, everyday the sun comes up, whether we see it or not, and everyday our God is there waiting with open arms to embrace us as His children and show us His plans for our lives that are so much better and bigger than we could ever imagine. So cool, right? We see throughout the Bible again and again His faithfulness even to people who turn from Him or hide. God is still and will always be faithful.

One thing I have really been struggling with is doubting God. Not doubting that there is a God or doubting my beliefs about God or who He is, but doubting that the Lord really will provide. I had been struggling with my funds for my trip for awhile in the sense that I was remaining at the same amount for a long time. So naturally, I began to think negatively and doubt that the funds were going to come. And if the funds don't come then I won't go to Uganda. And if I don't go to Uganda, then I won't be able to serve the Lord internationally this year...and so on. But one day while I was resting, I heard the voice of the Lord say, "Mace, why are you so worried? Don't you know who I am? Don't you remember my son Jesus who I PROVIDED for you so that you may come to know me?" And I just remember hearing that and automatically changing my thoughts and beliefs and truly placing my trust in the Lord's hands that the funds WILL come and I WILL be going to Uganda. And within the next 24 hours, I had raised almost $1000. God really does have a sense of humor. 

In church a couple of weeks ago, Dave Clayton, the pastor at Ethos Church, taught on Genesis 22 about the story of Abraham going up the mountain to sacrifice his own son, Isaac. Can you imagine? One day God comes to you and tells you to travel to the region of Moriah and go up the mountain and sacrifice your ONLY son. So Abraham does exactly what the Lord asks of him. He wakes up, loads his donkey, gathers his servants and son and they head out on the long journey to Moriah. Once they arrive, Abraham and Isaac climb the mountain, build an altar, and Abraham prepares to kill his beloved son. Just as Abraham lifts his hand to slay his son, an angel of the Lord calls out to him and tells Abraham to not lay on hand on his son, that because he fears God, Isaac will live. If I was in Abraham's position, I don't know that I would be able to follow through with what the Lord asked of me. Isn't that how many of us live ours lives today? We hear the Lord telling us to go places or to help those we see in need but we are too afraid. We lack faith. Abraham doesn't. His faith saved his son's life. That kind of faith is something I long for. The kind of faith where I am willing to do something so absurd as to sacrificing my own child because I know that the Lord will provide. GOD PROVIDES. He always has and simply always will. When we stop letting our emotions and feelings get in the way of our actions, that's when we experience faith. That is when we experience a intimate relationship with our Creator who is always on our side. This was something I was longing to hear. God will provide whether it is the funds for my trip or a place for me to live next year, GOD WILL PROVIDE.

So here I am sitting here in my room writing this blog, beginning to prepare for my trip to Uganda with over half of my funds raised. Though my trip is not completely paid in full YET, I know the Lord will provide. I have to have faith that He will and I do. I ask that you keep myself and my team in your prayers as we begin the early stages of packing, buying things for our trip, and preparing our hearts for the things we are going to see and experience. I am the most excited to see the amazing things the Lord is going to do through us on this trip. I will be meeting up with 18 other people from all over the country. I ask that you pray for us as a team as a whole, that we may become one in the body of Christ, to serve wholeheartedly, and to simply be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

A HUGE shout out to those of you who have supported my trip already either financially or through prayers. Your donations and prayers mean more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for allowing me to live out my dream of going to every nation proclaiming the Good News and freedom we find Christ. 

Much love my friends.

In Him,

Here is the link to my fundraising site if you want to see more of my story: